
Browse Items (135 total)

On the soffit of the south arch of the narthex, depictions of the Torments of the Damned are placed.
On the western side, the representations refer to group punishments and they are developed within rectangulars. These are the worm that sleepeth…

The Mother of God flanked by the Archangels is depicted on the east side of the southern door of the naos. She sits on a rounded throne and holds Jesus Christ as a child in her arms. On the left side of Mary, there is Archangel Michael and…

Theotokos is placed on the left hand side of the entrance from the naos to the narthex. Along with her son who is portrayed on the right side of the entrance and John the Forerunner, painted next to Jesus, they create a Deesis. Deesis constitutes…

The murals on the southern half of the central part of the arch of the nave consist of four scenes depicting significant moments of the early life of Christ. They portray the Nativity and Presentation in the Temple (above) and the Baptism and…

Four martyrs of Sebaste are represented on the eastern face of the soffit of the arch of the north wall.

From right to left, they are recognised as Saint Mardarios with its distinctive red vivid cap, Saint Evyenios as a yound man, Saint Ayxentios…

On the soffit of the west arch of the narthex, two angels unfold the Scroll of Heaven. The Scroll is embellished with golden stars and two medallions containing two heads, the personified Moon and Sun. The accompanying inscription reads: the angels…

On the northern half of the internal part of the west arch, the Scales of Justice are depicted. The whole scenery and the accompanying inscription Justice refers to and continues the eschatological concept that characterises the wall paintings of…

Timotheos and Mavra are the saints portrayed in the north of the western door of the narthex.
Saint Timotheos appears as a young beardless man holding the cross of the martyrs and a codex. Codex is his attribute because, according to his Vita,…
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